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Stunning Trees Line the Hainan Coastal Scenic Highway



In Changjiang, Qiongzhong, Wanning and other parts of Hainan, there are several roads that offer breathtaking views of the local landscapes. Mountains tower above, seas roar below, and tall trees and bright flowers line both sides of the road. These are not artificially landscaped scenes - they are shaped by the strong forces of nature into living, ever-changing, free-form vistas that have to be seen to be believed.

Zhengmenling Bridge, Wanning

The newly built Zhengmenling Bridge, located in Longgun Town, Wanning, is a rare cliff-side section of the Hainan Coastal Scenic Highway.

This cliff is part of Shanqin Bay, the northernmost bay in Wanning. According to geologists, the unique shapes of the black volcanic reefs along the coast were formed approximately 420 million to 430 million years ago.

The Zhengmenling Bridge is bordered by the mountains and the sea, and is lined with lush green vegetation. Photo: Yang Shizhong

Highway planners were faced with a choice to go through or around the mountain, between excavating the mountain or building a bridge. In order to create a highway that both protects the local ecology and allows travelers to enjoy some truly incredible views, they decided to build this bridge on the flanks of the mountain instead of digging a tunnel through it.

Bawangling to Wangxia Township Highway in Changjiang

Thanks to the area’s incredible natural landscapes and vegetation, the scenic highway between Bawangling and Wangxia Township offers very different views from other parts of the island. Mountains and rolling hills are covered in a wide variety of different tree species, taking travelers on a beguiling journey through the dense local forests. This section of the highway also passes through Qicha Town, known as the Hometown of the Kapok Tree. The springtime blooms here are unsurpassed, but each season offers its own different and unique beauty.

In Spring, fiery red kapok blossoms adorn every branch along the roads of Qicha Town, Changjiang. Photo: Qingfeng

In addition to the mountains and forests, there are many other wonders of nature to discover here, including cascading waterfalls and rugged rock formations. The variety that nature offers is truly dizzying! Be sure to stop at Wangxia Township, a Li people settlement that is only connected to the outside world by this route.

Sunny Bay, Sanya section of the Hainan Coastal Scenic Highway

Driving from downtown Sanya to Sunny Bay, you’ll travel along the Sunny Bay section of the Hainan Coastal Scenic Highway. After passing through commonly seen banyan and monkey-pod tree-lined areas, you’ll find yourself on a less than one kilometer long section that looks completely different. This is a mangrove forest - known as the guardian of the coast - and it’s been growing here since before recorded history began.

An overview of the Qingmei Harbor Mangrove Nature Reserve in Sanya. Photo: Blue Ribbon

Generally speaking, mangroves grow in the intertidal zones of estuaries and harbors, not along roads. However, there is a small section of the highway here that borders the Qingmei Harbor Mangrove Nature Reserve in Yalong Bay, Sanya." Zeng Dehua, director of the ecology research office of the Sanya Academy of Forestry, said that the reserve was approved in 1989, but that the mangroves had been growing on the local tidal flats for a long time before that.

Jiujialing, Baisha’s Winding Mountain Roads

In mid-Februrary, the winding roads of Jiujialing, Baisha offer mesmerizing glimpses of crimson kapok flowers budding from otherwise starkly bare branches. Four viewing platforms have been built along the road so that travelers can take a closer look, and many of these visitors also bring along high-end cameras to capture the scene. “Now is the best season for flower viewing. These kapok trees grow naturally on Jiujialing,” said a representative of the Baisha Forestry Bureau.

Kapoks peek through the mists covering Jiujia Ridge, Baisha in this drone photo taken by Wu Qingbing.

You can not only enjoy the flowers, but also the enchanting mists. “On one side of the road is a mountain, and on the other is a valley. Due to the difference in elevation, mists often form.” According to a local representative, when the mists meet the flowers, a hauntingly beautiful scene is created, with tendrils of white mist drifting across crimson blossoms and green forest leaves.

Shimei Ave., Shimei Bay, Wanning

Driving along Shimei Avenue in Shimei Bay, you’ll notice a big change as you pass the  intersection of Shimei Village. Before the intersection, the road is lined with bustling shops, but after, trees reaching around 16 meters engulf both sides, even reaching across and joining hands to form a shady green roof above the road. The sign at the intersection tells you why - this is the entrance to the Qingpi Forest Nature Reserve.

“This is the largest existing Qingpi (Vatica hainanensis) forest in the world. Experts estimate the forest’s age at around 4,000 to 16,000 years old. It covers around 1.3 square kilometers of Shimei Bay,” said Zhuo Shangbiao, director of the Hainan Province Qingpi Forest Nature Reserve. The entire reserve is around 10 square kilometers large, with Qingpi forest views stretching along 600 meters of the road.

The Qingpi forest in Shimei Bay, Wanning, hides several roads from view. Photo: Wanning Media Center

“Qingpi trees are rot, drought, and cold resistant. They are excellent for shipbuilding, wind screening, and anchoring sandy soils. The Qingpi is a nationally protected tree species and a Class I high-value Hainan wood source. According to Zhuo, local Qingpi trees bloom in August and produce small pink fruits three months later, both of which are excellent viewing periods.

Driving along the road here in springtime as the sea breezes blow across the waters of Shimei Bay is an excellent way to enjoy the excellent island weather. Travelers from distant places seeking to explore the mystical landscapes of tropical Hainan are sure to find more than they could have ever imagined here in Shimei Bay.


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  • Office of the Hainan Free Trade Port Working CommitteeNo. 69 Guoxing Avenue, Meilan District, Haikou City, Hainan Province, 570203, China

  • hnshgb_xchch@sina.com

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Stunning Trees Line the Hainan Coastal Scenic Highway


In Changjiang, Qiongzhong, Wanning and other parts of Hainan, there are several roads that offer breathtaking views of the local landscapes. Mountains tower above, seas roar below, and tall trees and bright flowers line both sides of the road. These are not artificially landscaped scenes - they are shaped by the strong forces of nature into living, ever-changing, free-form vistas that have to be seen to be believed.

Zhengmenling Bridge, Wanning

The newly built Zhengmenling Bridge, located in Longgun Town, Wanning, is a rare cliff-side section of the Hainan Coastal Scenic Highway.

This cliff is part of Shanqin Bay, the northernmost bay in Wanning. According to geologists, the unique shapes of the black volcanic reefs along the coast were formed approximately 420 million to 430 million years ago.

The Zhengmenling Bridge is bordered by the mountains and the sea, and is lined with lush green vegetation. Photo: Yang Shizhong

Highway planners were faced with a choice to go through or around the mountain, between excavating the mountain or building a bridge. In order to create a highway that both protects the local ecology and allows travelers to enjoy some truly incredible views, they decided to build this bridge on the flanks of the mountain instead of digging a tunnel through it.

Bawangling to Wangxia Township Highway in Changjiang

Thanks to the area’s incredible natural landscapes and vegetation, the scenic highway between Bawangling and Wangxia Township offers very different views from other parts of the island. Mountains and rolling hills are covered in a wide variety of different tree species, taking travelers on a beguiling journey through the dense local forests. This section of the highway also passes through Qicha Town, known as the Hometown of the Kapok Tree. The springtime blooms here are unsurpassed, but each season offers its own different and unique beauty.

In Spring, fiery red kapok blossoms adorn every branch along the roads of Qicha Town, Changjiang. Photo: Qingfeng

In addition to the mountains and forests, there are many other wonders of nature to discover here, including cascading waterfalls and rugged rock formations. The variety that nature offers is truly dizzying! Be sure to stop at Wangxia Township, a Li people settlement that is only connected to the outside world by this route.

Sunny Bay, Sanya section of the Hainan Coastal Scenic Highway

Driving from downtown Sanya to Sunny Bay, you’ll travel along the Sunny Bay section of the Hainan Coastal Scenic Highway. After passing through commonly seen banyan and monkey-pod tree-lined areas, you’ll find yourself on a less than one kilometer long section that looks completely different. This is a mangrove forest - known as the guardian of the coast - and it’s been growing here since before recorded history began.

An overview of the Qingmei Harbor Mangrove Nature Reserve in Sanya. Photo: Blue Ribbon

Generally speaking, mangroves grow in the intertidal zones of estuaries and harbors, not along roads. However, there is a small section of the highway here that borders the Qingmei Harbor Mangrove Nature Reserve in Yalong Bay, Sanya." Zeng Dehua, director of the ecology research office of the Sanya Academy of Forestry, said that the reserve was approved in 1989, but that the mangroves had been growing on the local tidal flats for a long time before that.

Jiujialing, Baisha’s Winding Mountain Roads

In mid-Februrary, the winding roads of Jiujialing, Baisha offer mesmerizing glimpses of crimson kapok flowers budding from otherwise starkly bare branches. Four viewing platforms have been built along the road so that travelers can take a closer look, and many of these visitors also bring along high-end cameras to capture the scene. “Now is the best season for flower viewing. These kapok trees grow naturally on Jiujialing,” said a representative of the Baisha Forestry Bureau.

Kapoks peek through the mists covering Jiujia Ridge, Baisha in this drone photo taken by Wu Qingbing.

You can not only enjoy the flowers, but also the enchanting mists. “On one side of the road is a mountain, and on the other is a valley. Due to the difference in elevation, mists often form.” According to a local representative, when the mists meet the flowers, a hauntingly beautiful scene is created, with tendrils of white mist drifting across crimson blossoms and green forest leaves.

Shimei Ave., Shimei Bay, Wanning

Driving along Shimei Avenue in Shimei Bay, you’ll notice a big change as you pass the  intersection of Shimei Village. Before the intersection, the road is lined with bustling shops, but after, trees reaching around 16 meters engulf both sides, even reaching across and joining hands to form a shady green roof above the road. The sign at the intersection tells you why - this is the entrance to the Qingpi Forest Nature Reserve.

“This is the largest existing Qingpi (Vatica hainanensis) forest in the world. Experts estimate the forest’s age at around 4,000 to 16,000 years old. It covers around 1.3 square kilometers of Shimei Bay,” said Zhuo Shangbiao, director of the Hainan Province Qingpi Forest Nature Reserve. The entire reserve is around 10 square kilometers large, with Qingpi forest views stretching along 600 meters of the road.

The Qingpi forest in Shimei Bay, Wanning, hides several roads from view. Photo: Wanning Media Center

“Qingpi trees are rot, drought, and cold resistant. They are excellent for shipbuilding, wind screening, and anchoring sandy soils. The Qingpi is a nationally protected tree species and a Class I high-value Hainan wood source. According to Zhuo, local Qingpi trees bloom in August and produce small pink fruits three months later, both of which are excellent viewing periods.

Driving along the road here in springtime as the sea breezes blow across the waters of Shimei Bay is an excellent way to enjoy the excellent island weather. Travelers from distant places seeking to explore the mystical landscapes of tropical Hainan are sure to find more than they could have ever imagined here in Shimei Bay.